Sunday, January 2, 2011

Some Comic Art.

Here, have some more art.

This is a fake cover for a graphic novel class I took. I'm glad that Corel was stubborn with the "real ink" tool and made me too frustrated to work on it for a bit..the background was getting very static and a few days away from it was all it took for me to figure out how to fix it.

This one is the end of a comic I did completely for fun. It is water soluble crayons on watercolor paper, with ballpoint pen. Since it was mostly for practice, some of the fine points of it didn't make sense without a huge storyline behind them. Some day I'll get these characters a nice, finished comic so I can stop explaining everything to everyone.

These three pages were from the same graphic novel class I took. I was pretty burnt out by the end of it, since I ended up doing all three pages in about fifteen hours. However, I still really like parts of it.

Sorry to link back to deviantART, but these tiny icons don't cut it. I'd rather not link to photobucket or anything, either.

In other news: Well, I gave myself a banner and some background. Currently the background is gross and pixel-y and is making me Internet self conscious. However, since it looks great in Corel, I'm going to blame it on the site. Hooray!

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