Thursday, March 1, 2012

New Demo Reel

1. An emotion test, done in one week to see how my blendshapes were working.
2. Pencil Test, emotion exercise.
3. Push Pull animation, worked on physicality.
4. Pencil test of simple jump exercise.
5. Pencil Lip Sync.
6. Dance assignment, focused on keeping character on model.
7. Push pull, exaggerated, "toony"
8. Pencil animation of cat
9. Lipsync project, 4 weeks, rig from beginning.

Finally got their designs right!

Penny and Maude!

Gosh, I've had these characters a few years now, but I kept struggling with the design of the painter, Maude. I think they have an interesting relationship, between an establish though shy painter, and a brash young fashion student. I'm really happy with where they are right now.